So I must really like birds this week, maybe because it's Spring, or maybe because it's elegant. Not sure why, but I am seriously loving all of the bird printed things I've been seeing lately.

I saw this top at Anthropologie and just melted. The one thing I've learned about that store is if you see something that you like, you have to buy it. Otherwise, it will be gone and won't go on clearance. I'm telling the truth here!

Look how great this top is up close. I loved the print, but what sold me was the beading on a few of the birds. How seriously sweet is that?

Now, it may be Spring, but I seriously can't wait until Summer carries me away. Maybe one of these birds will!

Top- Anthropolgie
Skirt- H&M
Shoes- Libby Eldeman
Belt- Sample from work
Earrings- H&M
You look gorgeous! LOVE this look and I love when you wear your hair like this!!
Such a great print on the top!
I love the beaded detail!
Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired
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